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Fry word meaning and definition

Beside meaning and definition for word "fry", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Three characters, how to write "fry" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:

Meaning and definition
Synonyms for fry
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Related words or terms

Letter statistic
Hand signs, morse code
Tarot cards, numerology
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Meaning and definition for "fry" word

[noun] a young person of either sex (between birth and puberty); "she writes books for children"; "they're just kids"; "`tiddler' is a British term for youngsters"
[noun] English dramatist noted for his comic verse dramas (born 1907)
[noun] English painter and art critic (1866-1934)
[verb] cook on a hot surface using fat; "fry the pancakes"
[verb] kill by electrocution, as in the electric chair; "The serial killer was electrocuted"
[verb] be excessively hot; "If the children stay out on the beach for another hour, they'll be fried"
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\Fry\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fried}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Frying}.] [OE. frien, F. frire, fr. L. frigere to roast, parch, fry, cf. Gr. ?, Skr. bhrajj. Cf. {Fritter}.] To cook in a pan or on a griddle (esp. with the use of fat, butter, or olive oil) by heating over a fire; to cook in boiling lard or fat; as, to fry fish; to fry doughnuts.
\Fry\, v. i. 1. To undergo the process of frying; to be subject to the action of heat in a frying pan, or on a griddle, or in a kettle of hot fat. 2. To simmer; to boil. [Obs.] With crackling flames a caldron fries. --Dryden The frothy billows fry. --Spenser. 3. To undergo or cause a disturbing action accompanied with a sensation of heat. To keep the oil from frying in the stomach. --Bacon. 4. To be agitated; to be greatly moved. [Obs.] What kindling motions in their breasts do fry. --Fairfax.
\Fry\, n. [OE. fri, fry, seed, descendants, cf. OF. froye spawning, spawn of. fishes, little fishes, fr. L. fricare tosub (see {Friction}), but cf. also Icel. fr[ae], frj[=o], seed, Sw. & Dan. fr["o], Goth. fraiw seed, descendants.] 1. (Zo["o]l.) The young of any fish. 2. A swarm or crowd, especially of little fishes; young or small things in general. The fry of children young. --Spenser. To sever . . . the good fish from the other fry. --Milton. We have burned two frigates, and a hundred and twenty small fry. --Walpole.

Synonyms for fry

child, Christopher Fry, electrocute, kid, minor, nestling, nipper, Roger Eliot Fry, Roger Fry, shaver, small fry, tiddler, tike, tyke, youngster

See also: art critic | bairn | bambino | Bloomsbury Group | buster | changeling | child's body | cook | deep-fat-fry | deep-fry | dramatist | foster-child | french-fry | frizzle | griddle | heat | heat up | hot up | imp | juvenile | juvenile person | kiddy | kill | monkey | orphan | painter | pan-fry | picaninny | piccaninny | pickaninny | playwright | preschooler | pupil | rapscallion | rascal | saute | scalawag | scallywag | scamp | schoolchild | silly | sprog | stir fry | toddler | tot | urchin | waif | yearling |

Related terms: barbecue, blaze, brood, burn, choke, clutch, culinary preparation, fire, fish, flare, hatch, heat, litter, pan-broil, plankton, prepare, scald, scallop, shimmer with heat, shirr, side dish, smolder

The fun area, different aproach to word »fry«

Let's analyse "fry" as pure text. This string has Three letters in One syllable and zero vowels (In our algorithm Y is not counted as vowel, but in English language, sometimes it sounds like one). 0% of vowels is 38.6% less then average English word. Written in backwards: YRF. Average typing speed for these characters is 795 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: ..-. .-. -.--


Hearts desire number calculated from vowels: fry: = 0, reduced: 0 (or 7 if Y is vowel too). and the final result is zero.
Destiny number calculated from all letters: fry: 6 + 9 + 7 = 22, reduced: 22, and the final result is Twenty-Two.

Tarot cards

Letter Num. Tarot c. Intensity Meaning
F (1) 6 Lovers Practical, Faithful, Organizer
R (1) 18 Moon Patient, Determined, Strong
Y (1) 25 Knight of Wands Brave, Daring, Bold, Charismatic, Brash

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